IKEA.at is partnering with OZAA ESC 2023 and you can benefit from 50% off your Basic Plan price for the first three months using the code OZAAESCXIKEA at checkout!

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Enjoy a 14-days free trial and get additional 50% off your Basic Plan subscription for the first three months using the code OZAAESCXIKEA at checkout!

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Simple and flexible pricing

Every plan starts with a 14-day trial. Enjoy your membership by clicking on the plan that suits you best, and use checkout code OZAAESCXIKEA for 50% off your first three months of the Basic Plan!

And no worries: viele der Videos sind auch in Deutscher Sprache! ;) 

Basic Plan with checkout code

4.99 2.49

This subscription will give you unlimited access to all of our content. Monthly Plan.

Start your 14-day free trial

Fitness Only Plan


This subscription will give you access to all Fitness videos. Monthly plan.

Start your 14-day free trial